Tuesday, September 6, 2016

International Crime (1938)

He Does NOT Turn Into The Shadow - LAME Film!

To me, this is NOT a Shadow film. The Shadow in this case is still Lamont Cranston but "The Shadow" is his persona as a radio news broadcaster! NOTHING like the old radio show at all! Come on, what were they thinking when they made this tripe?!

And that girl - Phoebe Lane drives me insane! I'm sorry I just wanted to slap her for all of her "Wait for Phoebe" lines - among other things. She is the most irritating character, no wonder Lamont Cranston wanted to give her a hard time - but she is the niece of the owner of the radio station so she can do whatever she pleases - including ruin the station I'm assuming (she was doing at great job at that when I started fast-forwarding through the film)! It was her that totally ruined what might have been an okay film for me to watch - I can't stand her!

Lamont Cranston does not turn into The Shadow as he should and this Phoebe chick *deep sighs*! I'm sorry I can't give this one a good review - and it's NOT a "Shadow" film if Cranston does not turn into "The Shadow" - and that Phoebe!! "Wait for Phoebe"!!! -- very unfunny!


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