Sunday, May 22, 2016

When a Stranger Calls (1979)

Still Gives Me The Creeps

The first time I saw this I was a pre-teen or young teen - must have been the very early 1980s then. The film was nightmarish to me then, still gives the the creeps today. And yes I was a teen babysitter.

Those phone calls in the beginning still haunt my thoughts... and the film gets better from there - the last 15 minutes are just as terrifying.

Big questions have been raised about how a man can use his bare hands in murder and rip apart the kids. The kids were a  4 1/2 year old boy & 3 year old girl - we are talking about a full grown mad man. BUT this seems to bother some viewers because they are unsure or seriously doubt the could really happen. I myself really don't know if it really is possible.

Stalker-murderer phone calls? I do know that the original Night Stalker did make phone calls - so I know this much is possible.

This film a nightmare for parents and babysitters alike... there are real life madmen.


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