Tuesday, May 10, 2016

The Strange Woman (1946)

Dull Boring Film 
- Nothing Strange About Her

Hedy Lamarr is fine, she a beautiful woman with talent. BUT this character she plays in this film is not! Lamarr plays Jenny Hager a woman I dislike the moment she walked onto the screen and opened her mouth with her psycho babble. I hated Jenny and couldn't watch the film without fast forwarding to the end to watch how she dies - and glad she did.

This is a story of Jenny, a witch (to word it nicely). Really there is nothing strange about Jenny - she's just an evil *bad word*.  Jenny uses the excuse of her upbringing to con men out of their money and breaks their hearts deliberately. Jenny knows exactly what she's doing when she does it - she knows exactly what she's saying when she says it. There is NO excuse for her behavior as an adult, yet she willingly and knowingly does it.

The men end up finding out what Jenny is up to yet they do nothing about it. They are to blame just as much as Jenny for allowing Jenny to continue to do what she does best - con men out of money.

Jenny cons or sweet talks one man out of money, then goes after the mans son and finally goes after the man's best friend. In the end she tries to run over two people with a horse and buggy/carriage and falls off a small cliff area and is hurt and dies - GOOD! She deserves what she got in the end and she did it all to herself.  The End.


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