Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Phantom Fiend (1932)

Not A Bad Remake

This is a remake of Alfred Hitchcock's The Lodger (1927) - we also have the same man as the lead character Angeloff played by Ivor Novello.

Ivor was a bit goofy acting in this 1932 version whereas in the 1927 version he was a bit more mysterious as the character should be. What got to me in this 1932 version was the fact that Angeloff was a bit talkative and not as quiet and mysterious of a man as he suppose to be.

The original film was really dark and mysterious - one of those films for a "dark and spooky night". This film would work for that scenario but the original film gives us more of the darkness that is desired for a film of this nature.

Did I like this film version? YES I did - very much so and I would watch it again. It's just not quite as good as the original but it's good.


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