Friday, May 6, 2016

The Nightmare Never Ends (1980)

A Mixed Up Mess

"Cataclysm" aka "The Nightmare Never Ends" aka "Satan's Supper" -- whatever you know this film by it's borderline compete garbage - very close to it but not quite. Yea this film is terrible - but something so cheesy about it that I can giggle at the sheer awfulness of it so it's not 100% garbage it's just not good.

An atheist has a book "God is Dead", a police detective is researching a Nazi concentration camp death, a doctor that keeps saying "I cannot kill", a follower of Satan, monks, Ishtar and more... if this sounds interesting to you then check this film out it's got it all.

This film is so mixed up, choppy and bizarre one would have to see it to understand just how bad it is. 


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