Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Lodger (1927)

Beautiful and Eerie - Impressive Film

This is a film I've only heard and read a little about - not to mention seeing some stills and tiny clips - well, I'm finally viewing it for the for the first time in my life and I have to say this is an impressive film. The words that come to my mind are beautiful and eerie as two descriptive words for this gem. I understand why everyone is bragging about since I've seen it. I have to say it's too bad this film is not an early talkie because this would make a fantastic one - but something about this movie being silent seems to make the film all that more eerie.

I tell ya if you want see any silent film at all - watch this one! While this film is not considered to be a horror film, I would put The Lodger (1927) in the class with Nosferatu (1922), London After Midnight (1927) or even Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920).  I like this Hitchcock silent film so much better than his film The Ring (1927).

Great movie - I've enjoyed watching it!


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