Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Incredible Petrified World (1957)

Mildly Entertaining Film

Mildly entertaining film. This is not a horror film so I don't know why this one has been added to the "Legends of Horror 50 Movie Pack". I guess the pack title does imply what the title says "Legends of Horror" - and John Carradine is famous for playing and starring in horror films so I guess the it might be appropriate this film is included in the pack. Good to have another Carradine film in my collection.

The film is ok - it does have entertainment value in a way. The ship lost one of it's bells and four divers enter into another bell to retrieve the lost bell of course their bell also breaks leaving them stranded in the waters. They end up somehow in an underground volcano where they meet a man who claims to have lived there for 14 years in the caves of the volcano. Carradine and others are working on a rescue topside but things look grim but, as luck would have it, the volcano erupts and sets the four free of the volcano while the old man that's been there 14 years dies. The four people are now rescued - the end.

It's not a film I would recommend but it's an ok film - nothing special.


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