Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Shoot to Kill (1947)

A Mediocre Minor Film Noir

This is a typical crime film noir of the 1940s time era - really run of the mill. Brings nothing new to the genre. Almost everyone is a crook in this one - except the news reporter (who knows he might be a crook too). Even the wife of the gangster/crook is a crook and her crooked husband was being frame for something he didn't do, but with all the lying and backstabbing in this film maybe he really did do it?

You do have to pay attention to this film because there is a lot to it, a lot going on in just over an hour. It's very fast paced with lots of two faced double-talk, backstabbing, lying and murders.

I found it funny that the wife was happy being a crook's wife and her husband slapped her - that's when she suddenly woke up and decided to live a straight life (at least that is what we are lead to believe in the end).

I didn't like anyone in this film really - I couldn't feel sympathy with anyone.  What I really wanted to do was to hand them all machine guns through the screen and let them have at it. The actors who  played the characters are really flat. The story was a little bit interesting at times.    At times, really good cinematography... mysterious looking.


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