Thursday, May 5, 2016

She Beast (1966)

Terrible Witch Film

The wiki and other sources have this film tagged/labeled as horror and fantasy but NOT comedy. A lot of people are calling this one a comedy-horror when it is not just because there is some comic relief or comical moments within the film. It's on the campy side - so it's fun at times.

Overall this film is terrible - really bad. It is mildly entertaining in it's way but mostly boring to me. It's such a shame because I like Barbara Steele and this film is a waste of her good talent - for one thing she is not in this film enough to satisfy most of us.

The movie is just over 1 hour and 18 minutes long and it took 30 minutes for the car wreck to happen and the ghost witch to enter into the man's wife. After the possession, it is still pretty much of a bore to watch with a handful of good scenes.


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