Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Jamaica Inn (1939)

All About Atmosphere & Characters

Jamaica Inn is a neat little crime story of men that wreck ships for the profit that is on-board. Mary (O'Hara), who is generally a good person,  finds herself in the middle of all this criminal activity. It's not the greatest story but it's a fun one. I've read that Hitchcock himself was not very pleased with the film but I take the film all in fun story wise. Now what this film has got going for it is great atmosphere and good and interesting characters - oh and a very charismatic Charles Laughton with a lovely Maureen O'Hara.

Some people are not crazy about this particular - some seem to hate it - but I'm in the crowd that likes the film. I love these types of films - the ones with great atmosphere and great characters even if the story is a bit second rate or not so good.


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