Thursday, May 12, 2016

Inner Sanctum (1948)

Why Kids Shouldn't Go Out After Dark

This film turned out to be more of a lesson for kids: why kids shouldn't go out after dark, "You can get hurt" like Mike's mom kept saying throughout the film to Mike. Also a minor lesson in why young ladies shouldn't fall for the mysterious stranger bad guy image. That's basically how this film was summoned up.

This film is a comedy half the time, and a drama the other half. Lots of focus on the kid Mike. Mike likes to go out after dark and he gets in lots of trouble with his mom for doing so. As I said earlier, this film is a lesson on why kids shouldn't go out after dark - mainly.

The other focus is Harold Dunlap - the reason we are suppose to be watching this film to begin with. Harold committed murder - really in self defense - and is on the run from the police.

You'd think this film would focus more on the "Inner Sanctum" world of Harold with things like hearing his thoughts &  odd things he does & says but the film is not like that. Oh he does a couple of odd things throughout the film not like one would think nor do we ever hear his thoughts. It's more of a focus on Mike and Harold's relationship with him.

It's an alright film but it does not play out like one would like it to or think it would be. I still kinda like the film.


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