Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Crimes at the Dark House (1940)

A Fun Crime Melodrama

Tod Slaughter is just as fun to watch as ever in this mediocre crime melodrama - he makes the film as he usually does. His flamboyant style shines here.

As a I mentioned, the film is mediocre - it's the screenplay that makes it that way. The atmosphere in the film is creepy like any other old dark house type of film. There is murder, mention of ghosts, windy nights, the air of madness and a shyster played by Slaughter so it does have elements of horror although it's not a horror film.

The film is worth watching if you like the older style of acting, dark house and crime films and it doesn't hurt if you like Tod Slaughter since he actually "makes" the film worthwhile viewing for his antics.


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