Sunday, May 8, 2016

C.H.U.D. (1984)

It's An Okay Sci-Fi Horror

C.H.U.D. = Cannibalistic Human Underground Dweller.
Nuclear Waste Sewer Monsters (N.W.S.M) Is what the the film is really about - and some political garbage.

The film starts out a real bore-fest. We have an uptight photographer and his girlfriend model with drama between them over a photo shoot for a perfume ad. This photographer did a story on the homeless in the area and apparently gave them his phone number during the photo shoot & story on them - so yea they call him (and he seems a bit irritated about it). We also have a policeman who is now a police captain with lots of boring police stuff happening. There is a man that works in a soup kitchen who considers the homeless his family and they start to come up missing. Yea the getting to know the characters for about the first 25 minutes of the film is really boring. About the 25 minute mark it starts to pick up a little bit with boring scenes in-between.
The last 30 minutes of the film gets pretty good - not too bad - this is when we see the C.H.U.D.s and the story picks up.

The best most likeable character by far is  A.J. 'The Reverend' Shepherd (Daniel Stern). Two other somewhat likeable characters are Captain Bosch (Curry) and Lauren Daniels (Greist). The rest of the characters I didn't care about (I'm not talking about the actors themselves - I mean the roles they play). I loved the cameo by John Goodman who plays a small part as a cop in diner - that was good.


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