Thursday, May 5, 2016

Blackmail (1929)

A Good Crime Thriller

Doing some reading on this film, this is Alfred Hitchcock's first talkie film and one of Britain's earliest "all-talkie" feature films (according to the Wiki and other sources). And it's a great talkie at that!

This one starts good, goes slow for just a little but for a reason (gloves), then picks back up into a really good crime thriller. In all honesty the ending was a bit of a let down for me. The film was soaring high then the ending just fell flat to me. The whole blackmailer who was already a criminal (been in jail) thing with the cops after him for the murder and Alice not coming out with what happened just fell to the ground for myself. It seems to me they could have done a bit more in the end otherwise this is a good crime thriller but I wasn't overly crazy about the ending.

Yes this Hitchcock classic is worth watching - it is good.


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