Monday, April 11, 2016

The Howling (1981)

Good 80s Werewolf Flick

This is one of the better horror films out the 1980s - it's a popular werewolf film for a reason - it's good. Basically a colony of werewolves, a man that knows how to handle them (for awhile) and investigative reporters - makes for a very interesting werewolf flick.

The only thing I did not like about this film was Eddie Quist's transformation - that bubbling head effect. It kept bubbling instead for far to long instead of simply transforming. I didn't like that in the 80s and after watching it again I still don't like it. Otherwise the transformations were good - the other werewolves.

Eddie Quist was a very scary character - really the very beginning of the film made him extremely scary. His obsession with Karen White is sickening. This guy is one disgusting psycho.

I can easily recommend this one to werewolf fans and horror fans in general. It's a classic in it's own right.


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