Monday, April 18, 2016

The Ghost (1963)

I'm Shocked That I Didn't Care 
For This Film That Much

Generally speaking, I love this type of film: slow, Gothic, ghosts, mystery and horror but this one is just OK - not nearly as good as I thought it would be. I'm extra shocked because Barbara Steele is in the film - and I like her a lot.

Dr. John Hichcock is in a wheelchair is married to the lovely Margaret. Margaret and Dr. Charles Livingstone are having an affair and Dr. Hichcock knows it. Dr. Hichcock also knows he's being poisoned and even asks his personal doctor, Dr. Charles Livingstone, to give him the antidote. One day Dr. Livingstone and Margaret decides they want John dead so Charles refuses to give John the antidote after his daily poisoning. Margaret and Charles are now happy until they see the "ghost" of John. Is it John's ghost or is John still alive?

It's s-l-o-w-l-y paced until the ending. As I said earlier, I like slow films but this one is just OK - and extremely slow.


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