Saturday, April 16, 2016

Monsterwolf (2010) (TV)

It's An OK Werewolf Film

It's basically about a Native American shapeshifter or spirit wolf who protects his area it's ironically from those destroying the environment and Native American habitat. It's the last Native American in the area that can destroy the werewolf.

The acting is pretty good in this one. The CGI is ok - it's actually not bad. The story, is merely ok - it's not great but it's not all that bad either. I find this one somewhere in the middle. It's not too bad for a made for TV movie - hey at least they created a werewolf movie lol.

If you like werewolf movies and have seen most of them already - I would say go ahead and watch this one to check off your I have seen this werewolf movie list.


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