Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Indian Fighter (1955)

A Better Than Average Western

I have heard of this film but I don't recall watching before - I recently viewed the film because I'm watching westerns with Lon Chaney Jr. Well this film is really cute - great cast and Chaney gets a good role to play in this one.

The real star of the show is of course our 'hero' Johnny Hawks played quite wonderfully by Kirk Douglas. Elsa Martinelli is Onahti a Indian woman who falls for Johnny. Johnny falls for her too but has to lead a wagon train to Oregon but promises her he will return to her.

This film has plenty of comedy, drama action and adventure and it's better than your average western to me. The Native American people are shown in a good light for the most part - better than most films of the time era (1950s - 1960s western films).


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