Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Alligator People (1959)

Fun Movie - Surprisingly Good

It's been years since I've seen this one and had a chance recently to re-watch it. I have to say it's better than I remembered it to be.  This is b-grade sci-fi that takes itself seriously and it pays off well. 

The real star of this film is Beverly Garland. She is good in this movie  - very convening as Joyce Webster. To me she stole the show. The rest of the cast is great too but Beverly is really shines here.

There is a bit of a mystery that plays out in this one, over the course of the film you will find out what really happened to Joyce's husband Paul and why it has happened.

The ending may not be exactly what you would expect but it's an interesting way to end a movie - in particular one of this nature.

Worth watching if you like the older b-grade sci-fi horror films. This is one of the better ones out there.


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