Tuesday, March 22, 2016

La furia del Hombre Lobo (1972)

Not Quite As Bad As It's Rating

La furia del Hombre Lobo AKA Fury of the Wolfman (1972) is not as bad as it's rating or as the critics say it is. It's not the best film Paul Naschy has been in nor is it the best "Wolfman" type of film out there but it's a better film than it's given credit for.

One of the biggest complaints I've read is voice overdubbing. The copy of the film I've seen the the voice overdubbing is fine - really good. It was synced nicely with the film. And the voices that were used to overdub with are good. I don't understand the complaints here.

Another thing is is slowness - that it is. It does build very slowly and could have been a little faster by leaving out some of the things from the other science experiments and getting to the point(The Wolfman) a bit faster but overall it's not a bad watch. Towards the end we get more of the wolfman - the heart of the story.

The music chosen for this film I'm not overly crazy about - it really does not fit the film to me. But that is a very minor thing.


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