Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Eyes of the Underworld (1942)

Nice Gem of a Film

This film I enjoyed quite a bit. It's refreshing to see Lon Chaney in a role outside of the Horror genre. He plays Benny in "Eyes of the Underworld" (aka "Criminals of the Underworld"). Benny will remind you a little bit of Lenny (Of Mice and Men 1939) in a round about way - mainly the voice at times but is completely different.

Don Porter also stars as Edward Jason. Porter is good - well known for his role as Professor Russell Lawrence.

If you like and are looking for a fairly good film-noir of the 40s then you should like "Eyes of the Underworld" - it's better than I guessed it would be. Loved the ending - very cute... leaves you laughing.


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