Friday, January 8, 2016

The Body Snatcher (1945)

Brilliant Story and Casting

If you are looking for an eerie Gothic horror film with a brilliant story and excellent casting then I would highly recommend you to watch "The Body Snatcher (1945)".

Karloff is Cabman John Gray - the body snatcher. He is a fearsome man who holds a powerful sway over Dr. Wolfe 'Toddy' MacFarlane (Henry Daniell), a man who's intentions are teach others his medical skills but has secrets he is hiding. Lugosi plays Joseph, a small but semi-important role.

If you enjoyed Karloff and Lugosi together in films like "The Black Cat" or "The Raven" then you are sure to enjoy "The Body Snatcher" even though Lugosi's role small in this one.


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