Saturday, January 9, 2016

Stop Me Before I Kill! (1960)

A Pretty Good Mystery-Drama

'Stop Me Before I Kill' is AKA 'The Full Treatment'. Both titles seem to fit this film quite well.

A race car driver is in an accident and spends time in a coma, once he is awake he has the strange urge to kill his wife. His wife seeks help from a psychiatrist to help her husband overcome his urge and to find out why this is suddenly happening. 

The ending of this film seem appropriate - very befitting. I will not give it away for those who have not seen the film and would like to.

This is not a bad mystery-drama - it's pretty good. No movie is "perfect" - they all have a few flaws and this one is no exception. The flaws in this film are minor.

All movies are hard to fathom - you have to suspend your beliefs to watch any movie. With this film you will have to do the same thing as with any film.

All in all a pretty good film. I enjoyed watching it.


Stop Me Before I Kill! (1960)

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