Sunday, January 17, 2016

Night Fright (1967)

Skip This One - Unless You Enjoy Boring!

Why did they put this one in the Pure Terror 50 Movie Pack? - WHY? This one is not creepy. It's not even funny enough to make fun of - it's just dull, boring and completely awful.

The acting is so bad in this it hurts to watch. I've seen better creature costumes in the cheap costume departments at Halloween. The story is bland - not nearly as good as it sounds like it would be. The first 45 minutes to an hour of the film drags and drags - the last 15 to 20 minutes is barely watchable.

I like bad B-films - but this is triple "Z". It's to bad this film is terrible - I was hoping to find another "hidden gem" but, alas, this one is my IMDb list named "garbage collection".


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