Sunday, January 10, 2016

My Favorite Brunette (1947)

Cute Film Classic

This is a cute comedy classic for a reason - it's quite comical. There is a fun crime-mystery as the basis for the story and quite a bit of comedy to keep it fun.

Bob Hope is good in this - such a strange and funny character Ronnie Jackson. Enter Willie (Lon Chaney Jr) and Kismet (Peter Lorre) and the fun really begins.

I haven't seen this one in years - I finally seen it recently and I have to say the movie is even cuter than I recalled it to be. And I have to confess I forgot it was Chaney and Lorre in this particular film with Bob Hope. I'm glad I was reminded about this film - it's a worthwhile comedy.

Fans of classic comedy films, Bob Hope, Lon Chaney Jr and/or Peter Lorre should like this one quite a bit.


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