Monday, January 11, 2016

Horror Rises from the Tomb (1973)

It's Not All That Bad

This is my kind of 70s B-grade horror film. This is 70s Euro-horror trash that is watchable - enjoyable for me. No this is not a great top-of-the-line high dollar 1970s horror film BUT it is a good horror film with some cool special effects for a budget film. The copy I have is dubbed in English - and I was not disappointed by that.

The information I have received on this film: it is a take on the obscure 1958 Universal film "The Thing That Wouldn't Die".

How can you go wrong with a headless man, witchcraft, zombies, occult, sacrifices, creepy music and murder? -- it's a horror film!

Yes there are plenty of beautiful women in their nighties -- that should please some. 

I enjoyed this film. I consider this one a "gem" long forgotten by many. It's not a perfect film but it's a decent 70s horror. 


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