Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Ghost of Frankenstein (1942)

A Good Fourth Film

While this fourth film may not be as strong of a story as the first three films in the series it is watchable - worth watching if you are into the Universal Classic Monsters.

In this fourth film installment you will find out just how strong willed Ygor is. The original doctor's son, Ludwig, and Ygor seeks to restore the Monster to his full power and wants to rid the criminal brain that is inside of the Monster and transplant a new brain put into him. Will they succeed? Who's brain will be transplanted into the Monster?

I enjoyed this film as much as I did the first three films in the series even if the story is a bit weaker than the others.

 In this film it is Lon Chaney, Jr. as The Monster. I think he did a fine job with his performance - as he was trying to fill the shoes of Boris Karloff in the role and is not an easy task.


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