Monday, November 9, 2015

Gothic (1986)

Bizarre Film: The Night Mary Shelley 
Wrote Frankenstein

Well, I don't believe anyone can actually say what happened the night Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein - and I DON'T believe it's what happened in this bizarre film. Looking at through the eyes of "it's just Hollywood cinema" it's an entertaining horror film.

Drugs and alcohol?... well I'm not sure that is what spawned Mary Shelley's book. I tend to think the fact she knew people in 'high places' and overheard some amazing conversation about the future of medical science is what spawned her imagination and the book Frankenstein. Intellectual conversations are the likely reason for the book.

Over all, this is good, fun horror film, even though I highly doubt it's accuracy. It is quite possible that drugs and alcohol did play a small role but I can't say for sure but I can say it made for an entertaining horror film.


 Gothic (1986)

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