Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Mysterious Mr. Wong (1934)

Neat Little Mystery Movie

The movie does have some plot-holes, not everything is fully explained, but if you can overlook that then you might like this film. It's a cute little mystery-horror film that is intriguing in spite of it's flaws.  The script writers seemed to write this one fairly quickly but somehow that is part of the charm of the film.

Lugosi tends to pour his heart into playing his character roles - Mr. Wong is no exception. Mr. Wong is seemly a really nice guy but he does have a bad side... a very bad side. The character is likable in a wicked sorta way. You don't won't to get on his wrong side.

I have to say the costumes are beautiful... so are some of the sets!!

Overall I liked the film. I found it fun to watch.


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