Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Single Room Furnished (1966)

Mansfield Is Fine, The Film Is Not

I got this one in a Drive-in 50-pack. I was excited that Jane Mansfield was a part of this pack and was looking forward to watching Single Room Furnished (1966) because I had never seen it before. To my surprise the film is, well, awful.

Jane Mansfield was fine in this film. I did not have a problem with her acting ability. What I found horrible was this film - not Jane.

Being fair about it - I realize Jane died before she could finish this film and we were left with basically an incomplete film. I know they beefed up the extra characters in order to "complete" the film but the story is just bad. Really bad.

The whole idea behind this story is rubbish to me. Jane plays Johnnie / Mae / Eileen. The woman Johnnie is married, her husband leaves her when she becomes pregnant. That part of the story is ok but what happens next is crazy - Johnnie then changes her hair color and her name to Mae. Mae becomes a waitress, falls in love with a married man  who goes back to his wife. Then Mae changes her looks again and her name again this time to Eileen and becomes a prostitute.

Why would Johnnie keep changing her name and looks just because her husband left her? He's not going to killer her!! He just flat out left her. Do what? What a crazy story that is, quite frankly, boring!!

Charley and Flo are worse... they are the beefed up characters. We hear long boring conversation between them.

OK. If Jane had lived long enough to complete this film then it might have made more sense in the end but I still don't think it would have ever helped this script over all. 

Watch this film only if you are really crazy about Jane Mansfield. I'd give this film a 1 but I'm giving it an extra point just for Jane.


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