Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Shadow of Chinatown (1936)

Not Bad

Shadow of Chinatown (1936) is actually a 15-part serial but the movie is a condensed/edited version of it. Basically, 15 shows edited to create one movie. I have not seen the serial only this film version.

With the serial being condensed into a movie I'm sure the viewer is missing out on some interesting scenes by watching only the movie version but I feel they did a good job with the movie to cut through the chase and get to the heart and soul of the serial.

I liked this film. It's not the greatest Lugosi film but it's actually a fun crime-drama to watch. Victor Poten (Lugosi) will hypnotize and terrorize the people that get in his way of destroying Chinatown - he is a vengeful madman.

The movie is interesting enough that I would like to watch the the entire 15-part serial. For me it's just to watch Lugosi in something different.


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