Sunday, October 18, 2015

Man Made Monster (1941)

Electrifying Sci-Fi

'Dynamo' Dan McCormick (Chaney) was in a wreck that electrically  killed 5 other people but Dan survived it. Dr. John Lawrence (Hinds) and his assistant Dr. Paul Rigas (Atwill) become intrigued by Dan and starts to conduct experiments on him that may help the human race to survive electrocution as Dan did. But Dr. Rigas has a secret sinister experiment that he is conducting on Dan that turns him into a walking zombified strongman glowing with electricity. Everything and everyone that Dan touches in this state gets a jolt of electricity. Dr. Lawrence finds out about this, tries to stop Dr. Rigas but Dan is being controlled by Dr. Rigas... this proves deadly for Dr. Lawrence and a death sentence for Dan by law.

This is a pretty good sci-fi horror of the 1940s. I enjoyed the film but I was not pleased with the decision made by June Lawrence and Mark Adams at the very end of the film... I wish they would have done the right thing and turned Dr. Rigas' diary into the police so everyone knew what really happened to Dan.

All in all is an enjoyable movie.


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