Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Katie Tippel (1975)

Unbelievable Awful Story

Another film from the Drive-in 50-pack collection under the title 'Katie's Passion'. . I very much disliked this flick... it's just an excuse for soft-porn and overall an unbelievable awful story.

This is suppose to be a "true story"? More like "the true story of someone's fantasy or dream". Seriously! I cannot swallow this so called "true story". Everybody wants to molest or rape Keetje Tippel? Really? Even her doctor - twice? Someone needs to re-title this film "Everybody wants to do Keetije" because that is the core theme of this film.

I have never read Neel Doff's book but if it anything like this film then I'll pass on it. I'm not buying into the "everyone wants to harm, rape and molest Neel or Keetije". I'm sorry but I can't.

I'm also not buy into the  Indictment of 19th Century Capitalism either... she appeared happy with her rich soon-to-be husband at the end of the film. Not sure about the book though.

Sorry but this film is not for me. It's a soft-porn fest with a story that I cannot believe to be true.


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