Monday, October 19, 2015

Black Friday (1940)

Interesting Crime-Horror

I would like to applaud Stanley Ridges' performance as the kindly Prof. George Kingsley and the vile criminal Red Cannon. He was outstanding in his role that will put you in mind of Jekyll and Hyde.

Red Cannon (Ridges) is a gangster that ends up with a busted back and has lost the use of his legs. Prof. Kingsley is a dying man. Both men are under the care of Dr. Ernest Sovac (Karloff). Dr. Sovac decides to do an illegal experimental operation to save the life of Prof. Kingsley... he puts parts of the brain of Red Cannon into the damaged parts of Prof. Kingsley's brain, the result is the Jekyll and Hyde effect. Dr. Sovac then learns of the gangster's secret: a half of a million dollars stashed away... and the Doctor wants it.

This is pretty good movie. One that Karloff and Lugosi fans should enjoy quite well.


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