Monday, September 7, 2015

Werewolves on Wheels (1971)

Cool Film

This is pretty cool film. In some ways the film is just what you would expect it to be from the title and the poster "Werewolves on Wheels" (Motorcycles). In other ways, this film is different than what you would expect it to be.

Yes there are burly bikers who become werewolves - but the unexpected is you don't see them as werewolves very much... nor are they in wolf-man form riding their bikes.

You will also see Satanic Monks, a witch, a tarot card reader, an eerie church, nice desert scenery and a neat little story. The soundtrack is good too!

This is one of those films I really don't want to say too much about - just watch it if you like werewolves, Easy Rider (motorcycle films) and older horror films in general you might enjoy it as I did.


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