Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Swamp Women (1956)

A Real Snooze Fest

This movie is real snooze - it could not hold my interest at all. The first 30 minutes I tried to get into it and it did not happen. So I hit the fast forward button and went past about 10-15 minutes of the film then stopped again to watch for a bit. This movie is BORING and awful! I was hoping for a couple of laughs but I never even got that out of it.

Oh why did she cut the ropes from his tied wrists? Why did he have to jump in the water to save her? wanted the one girl to be eaten by the alligator - that would have added some excitement! But no he wrestled the fake alligator and won... that was the best scene in this awful film and that didn't turn out like I wanted it to.

Watch this film only to satisfy your curiosity about how awful it really is. I love B-movies but this one is scrapping the bottom of the barrel.


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