Saturday, June 6, 2015

Nightmare Castle (1965)

A Good Gothic-Styled Ghost Film

"Nightmare Castle" aka "The Faceless Monster" aka "Night of the Doomed" aka "Lovers Beyond the Grave" - whatever name you call the film it is a good Gothic horror Italian film.

The copy of the film I have is dubbed in the English language quite good. It was hard to tell the film's language is in Italian so that is a credit to film's dubbers.

The movie itself is quite fun and interesting to watch. We have a large creepy house, ghosts, a mad doctor, Jenny who is a woman seemingly going mad, greed, lust, revenge & murder - all are the makings for a good horror film.

I have to say this IS a ghost film but the ghosts seem similar to zombies because they can be touched and pushed so I guess they can materialize and solidify their bodies into flesh again. Quite wicked these ghosts are towards those that have wronged them.

BTW, Barbra Steele is good in this as usual. She play two roles with two very different personalities quite well:   Muriel Arrowsmith / Jenny Arrowsmith.

This film is one of those popcorn-flicks to watch on a "dark and stormy night". It's a very good b-rated Gothic horror.


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