Sunday, June 7, 2015

Metropolis (1927)

Good Classic Sci-Fi Fantasy

I've seen this movie before and watched it quickly again recently for a review and to refresh my memory on the film. Is this movie good? Yes!

Taking into context the film is from 1927: The film was and still is good for it's time era. I'm not rating this film based on the age of the film which is pushing 90 years old - I'm rating this film based on how good it is all the way around (acting, casting, script, special effects, cinematography, etc...) and the film is good.

I've seen other films from around 1927 and "Metropolis" is one of the best films of that time era. The movie is one of the earliest films that I would call an "Epic" even though it might not be considered an "Epic".

Some people are tired of dystopian types of films - and that is ok but this is one of the earliest films in that category so it's a terrible reason to knock the film. Also if one does not like dystopian films then they simply need not watch them. "Metropolis" is set in a dystopian futuristic world so if you do not like these types of films then don't watch "Metropolis"; if you do like them then you might enjoy this movie.

It is a silent film and one of the best silent films you will ever see. It is a  top class classic movie for a reason.

I am giving the film 7.5 stars because there are scenes that seem to drag on forever - very slow scenes that could have been filmed at a quicker pace. Otherwise a really good film. 


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