Saturday, June 6, 2015

Atom Age Vampire (1960)

Not Half Bad

The actual title for this Italian film is "Seddok, l'erede di Satana".
The version/copy I have is dubbed over in English very well which made
it easy to watch and enjoy.

The movie is not half bad - it actually kept my interest until the very
end of the film. This is the type of movie that horror buffs might
enjoy when they are in the mood for a fairly good older b-rated sci-fi
horror flick.

Jeanette Moreneau (Susanne Loret) is a stripper and had her face
disfigured in a car accident. She ends up in a hospital where she meets
her soon-to-be doctor & caretaker Prof. Alberto Levin (Alberto Lupo).
Jeanette soon finds herself trapped in Prof. Levin's care for you see
Prof. Levin has developed a treatment that can restore the cells and
return the skin back to normal - but for how long and at what cost?

I found the movie entertaining and interesting although it's not what I
would call a really, really good b-rated horror film - it's simply not bad and is fairly interesting.


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