Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Hospital Massacre (X-Ray) (1981)

Implausible Junk

Hospital Massacre is also known as X-Ray a terrible 1981 horror film. I have to call this implausible junk - because that is what it is. I had to keep fast-forwarding through the film because it's that bad.

The so-called "legitimate" doctor does not act that way at all - he acts likes like a perverted sick-o himself - and so did the nurses but not as bad as the so-call doctor. It's as if they were in on it too and for no reason.

I could not even get a laugh out of this film -- some scary films are not scary - in fact they are quite funny but this one is NOT that way. It's just junk. Between the bad acting and horrible script I had problems sitting through it - so yes I kept fast-forwarding and stopping to watch just to fast-forward again... did that until the end. Every thing I watched was pure nonsense - this is NOT the way a "legitimate" hospital would act.... even if a killer was among them, the rest of the staff would act "legitimate" - not in this junky film.

Sorry I have to rate this a 1 - only because they make me rate this film - too bad there is not a 0 and below rating.


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