Good Zombie Film
As far as "zombie" films go, Dawn of the Dead is one of the best films ever made on the creature. This particular film has what appears to be hundreds of them milling about. This film has quite a bit of excitement - plenty of shoot-them-up action.
Easy to follow along film: A zombie plague has occurred, survivors are trying to find means of protecting themselves and a safe place to live. This particular group ends up in a shopping mall where there's plenty of goods to maintain them for a long while.
A film of this nature is not an award winning film but as far as zombie horror flicks goes this movie is tops in it's own category.
Easy to follow along film: A zombie plague has occurred, survivors are trying to find means of protecting themselves and a safe place to live. This particular group ends up in a shopping mall where there's plenty of goods to maintain them for a long while.
A film of this nature is not an award winning film but as far as zombie horror flicks goes this movie is tops in it's own category.
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