Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Daughter of Darkness (1990)

A Different Vampire Film 

This film was not too bad. It's not a average (typical) vampire flick - it has it's ups and downs but over all worth watching if you like vampire movies. This is not a top quality film but it's not a horrible b-rated film either sorta in-between. The movie kept me entertained for about an hour and a half. For me, what made the film was the fact that Anthony Perkins stars in it - it's nice to see him outside of the role of Norman Bates.

The only thing that really got my goat towards the end when Katherine Thatcher (Mia Sara) was rescuing her father at dawn but it took all day for her and Max (Dezsö Garas) to get a van, kerosene and fire then they entered the vampire lair at dusk to get rid of the nest. But that is typical of vampire films -- the vampire hunters usually wait until dusk to enter and kill the vampire lol.

Anyway, the movie makes a good late night film for vampire lovers.


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