Thursday, December 18, 2014

Tower of London (1962)

A Good Dramatization

Like all films labeled "History" this does not mean the story is entirely true - there will be people who once lived and places in history that are real but it does not mean what you see on film is historically accurate. Hollywood will take the facts then ad-lib or fill in the blanks. Keeping this in mind I will rate this film like I do other "History" films - I will NOT base my rating on historical accuracy nor inaccuracy but purely HOLLYWOOD CINEMA entertainment!

I like Vincent Price so I am admittedly biased - but I think his portrayal of King Richard III was good. In real life we really do not know all that much about Richard's personality - only from stories written by others who might have exaggerated, simply lied about him because they did not like him OR maybe they were fairly accurate stories. I think Price did the best he could with the information he knew about the real King Richard III - and not just Price but the writers and the rest of the cast/crew did their best as well to give us this movie. I found this movie to be a good dramatization.

This film is NOT a remake of the 1939 film of the same name ("Tower of London").  The 1939 film stars Boris Karloff, Basil Rathbone & Vincent Price. The 1962 film only borrows the title from the 1939 film. The two stories are completely different from each other.

One final note: I think it's cool they found the REAL King Richard III's body - buried under a parking lot where he fell in battle many many years ago. Love him or hate him - it's nice his remains are found: for the sake of history and the "royal" family.


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