Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Plague of the Zombies (1966)

A Tasteful Zombie Film

It's nice to watch this film again after a long-time-no-see period. The Plague of Zombies is NOT the gore and blood fest type of horror we see today. And this movie is not simply a virus that causes people turn to zombies and run really fast - this one delves into voodoo!

This film is in good taste - we have a good story with lots of suspense. Oh sure there is some blood but it's not a blood-bath. This zombie film has good character development and an interesting story to follow.There's a lot of focus on Dr. Thompson and Prof. James Forbes uncovering the mystery that is happening in the tiny village of Cornwall - they know it's more than just a disease but what exactly is going on?! Zombies?!! Watch the film to find out more.


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