Saturday, December 20, 2014

The Monster Club (1981)

Quite Enjoyable Comedy Horror

This is one of the funnest films to watch - quite enjoyable. This is a gothic comedy-horror for the most part and has a good message in the end about humans being the greatest monster of all.

The Shadmock is the first story we are told and is not so comical - it's quite sad. This is my favorite story of the trilogy). The second story is of The Vampires and is funny. The Ghouls is not sad nor is it funny but it's a good story. The funniest parts of the film come from Eramus (Price) and R.Chetwynd-Hayes (Carradine) with their tongue-in-cheek humor.

The music is not to bad - yes it is dated but then again the music in today's films will be considered "dated" too one day. I think the songs fit the film.

I will admit that I would love to join this particular Monster Club.


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