Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Kiss of the Vampire (1963)

Just Boring Overall

This has got to be the most boring and unscary vampire film I have ever seen. The only scene worth watching is the opening scene which lasts maybe 5 minutes after that it is all down hill. Nothing happens after the opening scene except one part where a man is bitten by a vampire and then the ending. The movie is 88 minutes long and out of that only 10 minutes of it is worth watching - if that long. I'm all for subtle horror but this movie really does not have it - it's just a bunch of dressed up people standing around talking about nothing throughout most of the film. I was bored to tears with this movie.

The ONLY thing this movie has going for it is the theme music - and that is it! The music is the only reason to rate this film besides the fact that it is a Hammer and Universal film.

Update: I've rewatched this one again, and I will raise my rating up 2 points. It's a little better the second time around but I'm still finding I'm bored with it generally speaking. I really want to like this film but I'm still finding it just *meh*.


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