Monday, December 15, 2014

The Haunted Palace (1963)

Good Classic Occult Film

It is said this film's title is found within Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Fall of the House of Usher" and has little to do with it. The story of 'The Haunted Palace' is loosely based on H.P. Lovecraft's "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward".

Vincent Price plays Charles Dexter Ward/Joseph Curwen so brilliantly! It amazing to watch Price as he plays both roles. Basically our story is of Charles Ward and his great, great grand father Joseph Curwen's spirit that enters into Charles's body and Vincent Price does so well to play two different personalities within one man and each personality struggles for dominance of the body. Outstanding performance by Price!

Debra Paget plays Ann Ward - the wife of Charles Ward. The wife, Ann, knows when Charles has "changed" just as well as the viewer. Paget is very good in this film too playing the part of a wife tormented by the love of her Charles and detesting the other personality within Charles - Joseph Curwen.

It is also nice to see Lon Chaney Jr in this movie too. He plays Simon Orne... a caretaker of the palace. Simon is also the one to help Joseph Curwen get his revenge on all that burned him over a century ago.

Interesting story -- good for fans of older horror, the occult, Vincent Price, Lon Chaney Jr, Edgar Allan Poe and H.P. Lovecraft.


 The Haunted Palace (1963) 

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