Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Ghoul (Night of the Ghoul) (1975)

Creepy and Suspenceful

First off this is NOT a remake of the 1933 film "The Ghoul" starring Boris Karloff - this is a completely different movie all together - one has nothing to do with the other.

Secondly this 1975 film starring Peter Cushing "The Ghoul" is also known as "Night of the Ghoul".

Third: This film is actually a good horror film. Not only because the great Peter Cushing stars (and is outstanding in it) but John Hurt's performance in this is very convincing as well. Gwen Watford is good in this movie too. The movie is worth watching if you like horror.

Fourth: The sad trivia behind Peter Cushing's performance: There is a photo in the film which is/was Cushing's wife Veronica Carlson who died in 1971 - so Cushing's emotions were real at this point and not an acting job. It is said that this also effected the emotions of others on the set.


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