Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Crooked Circle (1932)

Uninteresting To Me

I tried to watch this film but the longer I watched the more bored I became. I did not get a chuckle nor was I captured by a mystery. I won't say it's an awful film but I will say it was uninteresting to me.

One thing that I did find of interest was that Olive Oil (her whining ways) is patterned after Zasu Pitts (who plays Nora Rafferty in the film The Crooked Circle). That is cool trivia to learn. I never did like Olive Oil - except Shelly Duvall's  depiction of her in Popeye (1980) - but that is a different story.

The Crooked Circle I'm sure it's a great film to some but I just did not like it like I thought I would. I love older comedy and mystery mixed but this movie did not do it for me.


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