Saturday, December 13, 2014

The Black Cat (1934)

Twisted Occult Thriller

Inspired by Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Black Cat". The movie is not a the poem on film despite this the movie is a very good twisted occult thriller - one of better films from Karloff and Lugosi.

Joan and Peter Allison are on their honeymoon and met up with Dr. Vitus Verdegast (Lugosi). They are on a bus when it over turns killing the driver. Verdegast (Lugosi) is close to his destination: the home of his nemesis Hjalmar Poelzig (Karloff) and decides to bring the young couple with him for refuge for over night - from there the movie becomes a very creepy occult horror-thriller.

I have to say that Karloff's costuming and look in this film is simply awesome and very wicked!  Well acted by all but Karloff steals the show.

This is a great film for a dark and stormy night!!


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